The Family That Plays Together, Stays Together

Carpool. Sports practice. Homework. Dance class. Hectic holidays. Play dates. Deadlines. Packing lunches... If your head was already swirling by the time you read "homework", chances are you and your family are like most these days, pulled in so many different directions that your home feels more like a busy commuter station at rush hour than a place where family memories are meant to be made. Fortunately…

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lisa sp
Is A Dude Ranch Right For You?

There are dude ranches and then there are DUDE RANCHES - and there can be major differences between the two. Dude ranches range from sleeping under the stars to Five-Star accommodations complete with wine…

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lisa sp
Taking Your Pet On Vacation

 If you love your pets as much as I do, you wouldn’t think of going on vacation without them. With a little planning and trying some of these helpful tips vacationing…

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lisa sp

So many of us have heard the horror stories of pets in the baggage section of planes.  Often, for larger dogs, unless there are service pets, a place in the passenger section of a plane is not an option.  So what does one do when they are moving overseas and they have a senior pet?  Here is how one loving couple brought their French Bassett Hound…

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lisa sp