Do You And Your Pet Communicate Well?

By the grace of the Noble and Supreme Almighty, we, the human beings are blessed with a voice box and a tongue, which help us to communicate our feelings to the others when needed.

We are also blessed with the power to hear and respond…

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lisa sp
How Pets Benefit Senior Citizens

By now many of you reading this have heard of the benefits, both emotional and physical of having a pet in your life. Perhaps you have even personally experienced some of these effects yourself, how when you are petting a soft purring kitten…

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lisa sp
Dog: A Girls Bestfriend

I would like to start off by saying that I am an animal lover in every sense of the word. Before I was ever able to walk, my family had a dog or a cat or a fish. You get the picture. I have had many different types of pets in my life…

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lisa sp
Unconditional Love Of An Animal

There is nothing on this planet like the unconditional love of an animal. The positive effects animals have on most people are beyond words. They offer us moral support and a welcome soothing when life may get hard or uncomfortable. Always at our side, their affection transcends any boundaries…

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lisa sp
Do Pets Have Emotions?

When I am back home after any period of time, my dog runs to me as fast as she can, tail wagging furiously, jumping in the air to get my attention. That's happiness.

When she's locked out of a room she desperately wants to explore, she paws the door and lets out woeful cries that sound like the end of earth is near. That's anguish.

When she's trying to eat the dustpan and…

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lisa sppets, emotions, love, animals